Lately I've been setting up a simple HTTP web service using CherryPy (I've simplified the code):
from controllers import MyController
import cherrypy
if __name__ == '__main__':
server_config = {
'server.socket_host': '',
'server.socket_port': 60000
cherrypy.tree.mount(MyController(), '/Home', {})
where MyController has an Index method:
class MyController:
def Index(self):
and I was calling the service from Python using the requests library:
requests.get('http://localhost:60000/Home/Index', data={'name': 'foo'})
but when I changed the request to use POST:'http://localhost:60000/Home/Index', data={'name': 'foo'})
my Index method was no longer being called; the service was returning a 400 error. Thanks to this answer I tried adding **kwargs to my service method:
class MyController:
def Index(self, **kwargs):
and the Index method was now being called! That fixed the problem.
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