Logging Errors to a PostgreSQL table from Python 3 using Psycopg2

Let's create a database table to store errors:

    id serial NOT NULL,
    message character varying(1000),
    exception_message character varying(1000),
    exception_stacktrace character varying(4000),
    date_entered timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL

Creating the id column with the serial type tells PostgreSQL to create a sequence named errors_id_seq (this is similar to AUTO_INCREMENT in MySQL. We can now insert without specifying an ID; the sequence will be incremented, and the value used).

Here's some Python code to insert into the table when an exception occurs:

import psycopg2
import traceback

def log_error(message, exception):
        conn_string = 'dbname=mydb user=myuser host=localhost' + \n                      ' port=5432 password=secret sslmode=require'
        db = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)

        exception_message = str(exception)
        sql = """INSERT INTO errors (message, exception_message, exception_stacktrace) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
        cursor = db.cursor()
        cursor.execute(sql, (message[:1000], exception_message[:1000], traceback.format_exc()[:4000]))
    except Exception as ex:
        raise Exception('An error occurred while logging an error: ' + str(ex))

    s = 1 / 0
except Exception as ex:
    log_error('An error occurred while dividing two numbers.', ex)

Using the traceback module helps format the stack trace (readability).


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